Source code for olm.utility

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# libolm python bindings
# Copyright © 2015-2017 OpenMarket Ltd
# Copyright © 2018 Damir Jelić <>
"""libolm Utility module.

This module contains utilities for olm.
It only contains the ed25519_verify function for signature verification.

    >>> alice = Account()

    >>> message = "Test"
    >>> signature = alice.sign(message)
    >>> signing_key = alice.identity_keys["ed25519"]

    >>> ed25519_verify(signing_key, message, signature)


# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,unused-import
from typing import AnyStr, Type

# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from _libolm import ffi, lib  # type: ignore

from ._compat import to_bytes
from ._finalize import track_for_finalization

def _clear_utility(utility):  # pragma: no cover
    # type: (ffi.cdata) -> None

[docs]class OlmVerifyError(Exception): """libolm signature verification exception."""
class _Utility(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """libolm Utility class.""" _buf = None _utility = None @classmethod def _allocate(cls): # type: (Type[_Utility]) -> None cls._buf ="char[]", lib.olm_utility_size()) cls._utility = lib.olm_utility(cls._buf) track_for_finalization(cls, cls._utility, _clear_utility) @classmethod def _check_error(cls, ret): # type: (int) -> None if ret != lib.olm_error(): return raise OlmVerifyError("{}".format( ffi.string(lib.olm_utility_last_error( cls._utility)).decode("utf-8"))) @classmethod def _ed25519_verify(cls, key, message, signature): # type: (Type[_Utility], AnyStr, AnyStr, AnyStr) -> None if not cls._utility: cls._allocate() byte_key = to_bytes(key) byte_message = to_bytes(message) byte_signature = to_bytes(signature) cls._check_error( lib.olm_ed25519_verify(cls._utility, byte_key, len(byte_key), byte_message, len(byte_message), byte_signature, len(byte_signature)))
[docs]def ed25519_verify(key, message, signature): # type: (AnyStr, AnyStr, AnyStr) -> None """Verify an ed25519 signature. Raises an OlmVerifyError if verification fails. Args: key(str): The ed25519 public key used for signing. message(str): The signed message. signature(bytes): The message signature. """ return _Utility._ed25519_verify(key, message, signature)